Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Responding to Research

Reading model arguments provides an opportunity for us to evaluate the methods a writer uses to judge the success and depth of a writer's expression and support of his or her perspective. Such an exercise, carefully prepared, should serve as a guide in helping us to prepare, organize, and present supported, meaningful, and appropriately structured arguments of our own.

With such goals in mind, read Denise Cavallaro's research paper, SMOKING, OFFENDED BY THE NUMBERS, pp. 103-108, focusing on your text's guide questions 1-7, pp. 96-97.

Once you've read the essay, post a detailed and insightful comment in response to Cavallaro's paper, using any of the questions 1-7, pp. 96-97.

A blog simulates a conversation, so successive posts should respond to (add additional support, raise questions, disagree with, etc. -- all in a supported manner, to previously posted responses). Thus, in responding, note questions you're using and indicate to whom you're responding. Remember, YOUR goal is to justify your evaluation of the essay!

Aim for posts to be at least a paragraph in length. Sign post with your name: first name & initial of your surname. Each student must respond at least 3 times by Sunday, January 10th.